3.Любая песня(придуманная вами!!!!)
4.Блюдо от вас(тоже придумали вы!)
Мисс Австралия
Сообщений 1 страница 3 из 3
Поделиться12008-05-02 23:32:47
Поделиться22008-05-03 00:11:51
3.I go to a work
And can't forget you.
I always see you in my dream!
I look at people and see you everywhere!
I look at mirror and see you with me!
I love you! I love you!
And you love me too!
I understand you!
And you must too!
Belive me! Belive me!
And I belive too!
Come with me in my dream!
I go on the street.
And can't forget you.
I always hear you in my dream!
I listen to people and hear you everywhere!
I sing my song and hear our voices together!
I love you! I love you!
And you love me too!
I understand you!
And you must too!
Belive me! Belive me!
And I belive too!
Come with me in my world!
You come with me
And I'm happy!
You can't belive me
And I cry!
You may embrace me
But you don't do it.
I cry a lot time
And you go away...
4.Итак. Вегитарианская пицца.
1.делаем тесто..
2.Берём листья салата и укладываем их покругу.
3.В Центр наливаем кетчуп
4.Размазываем кетчуп наполовину
5.Кладём огурцы и помидоры
6.Если вы русалка, можно водоросли(это не очень вкусно для обычных людей)
7.Красиво подаёте на стол
P.S: в реальной жизни советую даже не пробовать...
Поделиться32009-01-19 18:37:56
1.Имя: Агнетта
2.Возраст:16 лет
3.Песня:No smiles, not a
single word at the breakfast table
Though I would have liked to begin
So much that I wanna say, but I feel unable
You leave and slam the door
Like you've done many times before
And I cry and I feel so helpless
One man, one woman
Two friends and two true lovers
Somehow we'll help each other through the hard times
One man, one woman
One life to live together
One chance to take that never comes back again
You and me, to the end
Outside I can see the sun through the open window
Inside everything feels so cold
What's wrong, what is happening, where did all our love go?
Sometimes when I just can't cope
I cling to a desperate hope
And I cry and I feel like dying
One man, one woman
Two friends and two true lovers
Somehow we'll help each other through the hard times
One man, one woman
One life to live together
One chance to take that never comes back again
You and me, to the end
Daydreams of a better life, but I have to wake up
The sound of the key in the door
You smile and I realise that we need a shake-up
Our love is a precious thing
Worth the pain and the suffering
And it's never too late for changing
One man, one woman
Two friends and two true lovers
Somehow we'll help each other through the hard times
One man, one woman
One life to live together
One chance to take that never comes back again
You and me, to the end
You and me, to the end
4.Блюдо:Салат Летний
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